The evomove®

Step by step towards more independence through functional electrical stimulation in combination with or without an orthosis

Improved Gait

Activates muscles in the leg with electrical impulses.


With or Without Orthosis

All advantages of an orthosis are retained. Sometimes an orthosis is not needed anymore.

Inconspicuous and slim Look

Small device, simple design, almost no cable.

Children of 6 Years and Over

Supports a suitable activity for children.

App Control via Smart Phone or Watch

Easy to use with the evomove® app.

Preconditions for the Use of the evomove®

For more detailed questions please contact an Evomotion-Partner and if necessary read the manual and the enclosed product information.


The evomove® is primarily aimed at adults and children of 6 years and over whose ability to walk is restricted due to a central nervous disease. The triggering diseases or injuries include stroke (apoplexy), multiple sclerosis (MS), traumatic brain injury (TBI), cerebral palsy (CP) and incomplete paraplegia. In addition, in certain cases, prosthesis patients as well as intervertebral disc problems or other peripheral nerve damage can also be treated.

Ability to Walk and Stand

To use the evomove® safely it is important that you are basically able to walk and stand. Even if your muscles could improve through regular use you need a certain muscle status right from the start. Whether you are currently safe enough to stand you can find out in a preliminary talk with an Evomotion-Partner.

Good Response to Electrical Stimulation

People respond differently to electrical stimulation. This means that the same electrical impulse causes a muscle contraction for some people and for some not. People also have different sensations of pain. If you respond well to electrostimulation, the evomove® may be suitable for you.

No Excluding Previous Diseases

Certain pre-existing diseases prevent you from using electrical stimulation. These include skin diseases on the leg whose muscles shall be stimulated. An Evomotion-Partner will check whether you have any previous diseases that prevent you from using electrical stimulation at the first consultation. A doctor can check in each individual case whether you can use the evomove® without hesitation. In this case you will receive a medical declaration of harmlessness for individual pre-existing conditions.


User Flyer

Mobility and independence – regaining muscle activity through electrostimulation Our evomove® is explained in an easy-to-understand manner in the flyer.


Wallstraße 3

D-21335 Lüneburg

Phone: +49 4131 266366 0

Mon - Fri from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m


Legal Information

Commercial Register Number:
HRB 206299

Register Court:
Amtsgericht Lüneburg

UStd-Nr.: DE306654682

© 2025 | Evomotion GmbH | evomove® is a registered trademark of Evomotion GmbH